Ultimate Retractable Baby Gate - Wall Mounting Set
$15.00 AUD
Ultimate Wall Mounting Set.
Set of replacement wall mounts suitable for Perma Child Safety™ Ultimate Retractable Baby Gates: #2691 White Ultimate Retractable Baby Gate, #2692 Black Ultimate Retractable Baby Gate & #2693 Gray Ultimate Retractable Baby Gate.
Set Contains:
8 x Wall Plugs
4 x Gate Mount Screws
4 x Catch Mount Screws
3 x Gate Spacers
3 x Catch Mount Spacers
2 x Gate Mounts
2 x Catch Mounts
Perma Child Safety™ is devoted to creating a safer home environment. Through research, testing & design we pride ourselves in being the specialist in child safety for the modern home.
Ultimate Retractable Gate - Wall Mounting Kit
White - #2934
Grey - #2935
Black - #2936
Parts Included
Gate Mount (2), Catch Mount (2), Gate Spacer (3), Catch Mount Spacer (3), Wall Plug (8), Gate Mount Screws (4), Catch Mount Screws (4)